In addressing the behavior that has come to prominence through the sexual revolution, we are actually not so much speaking of practices as we are speaking of identities. And when we are speaking of identities, the public, political stakes are incredibly high and raise a whole different set of issues. - Carl R. Trueman.
Above all else, remember that our God is defined by order, purity, hope, and truth. The question of gender is complex and difficult, and because of the way it’s connected to identity, conversations about it often run high with emotion. But God is the cornerstone of all creation, and if we are rooted in Him, we do not ever need to be afraid.
Above all else, remember that our God is defined by order, purity, hope, and truth. The question of gender is complex and difficult, and because of the way it’s connected to identity, conversations about it often run high with emotion. But God is the cornerstone of all creation, and if we are rooted in Him, we do not ever need to be afraid.
Your ultimate goal is to raise kids who use the Internet safely and responsibly and think critically about their actions, but a little technical assistance can help. And, as your kids get older, you’ll need to dial down the restrictions to help them develop their own sense of responsibility.” - Common Sense Media
There’s no question that there’s a lot of filth on the Internet. And it’s pretty easy to bump into. Sean Clifford, CEO of the digital parenting app Canopy, notes, “You don’t have to go looking for [porn], it now comes looking for you. It’s on social media, on group chats, and on ‘good’ websites that you’d never expect to have explicit content.” A recent survey found that 46% of minors who’ve seen pornography first came across it by accident.
There’s no question that there’s a lot of filth on the Internet. And it’s pretty easy to bump into. Sean Clifford, CEO of the digital parenting app Canopy, notes, “You don’t have to go looking for [porn], it now comes looking for you. It’s on social media, on group chats, and on ‘good’ websites that you’d never expect to have explicit content.” A recent survey found that 46% of minors who’ve seen pornography first came across it by accident.
Even if your kids don’t struggle with their sexual orientation or gender identity, they probably know people who do. For the most part, the way the church has addressed these issues has been inadequate at best and polarizing at worst. What follows is what we think you need to know about what is shaping Gen Z’s perceptions of these issues, as well as how you can engage well with your teen and the LGBTQ+ community.
Today’s culture teaches teens that rebellion is part of growing up, that hiding one’s actions from prying eyes is normal, and that sex is no big deal. Because of that, sexting has become normalized—everyone does it! Right? Whether your teens attend public school, private school, or homeschool, they are not immune to the influence of culture, thanks to the ubiquity of the internet and smartphones. At some point, they or their friends will be tempted by the ease, seeming playfulness, and safety (no risk of pregnancy OR face-to-face rejection) that sexting offers. May this guide serve as an education in its appeal, its prevalence, its danger, and the underlying heart issues to begin addressing with your teens.
Many families hope to protect their children from radical ideas by walling off the secular world—supervising what books they read, what movies they see, what music they listen to. But secular worldviews do not come neatly labeled so we can easily recognize them. Instead they mutate into forms that we hardly recognize, becoming part of the very air we breathe. The most powerful worldviews are the ones we absorb without knowing it. They are the ideas nobody talks about—the assumptions we pick up almost by osmosis. —Nancy R. Pearcey
If We Don’t Disciple Our Kids about Sexuality, Porn Will Do It for Us
There are few cultural issues more pressing than the problem of pornography. Though extremely damaging to us, porn appeals to powerful urges that God created as good. Sexually explicit material has always been a cultural pitfall, but the Internet and smartphones have provided unprecedented access to it.
There are few cultural issues more pressing than the problem of pornography. Though extremely damaging to us, porn appeals to powerful urges that God created as good. Sexually explicit material has always been a cultural pitfall, but the Internet and smartphones have provided unprecedented access to it.