Simple. Authentic. Alive.

Sunday Gatherings

Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30am
Livestream @ 10am

What To Expect

A typical gathering will last about 60 minutes. We engage in worship through song, moments of prayer, and an engaging message by our Lead Pastor.
There is kids ministry programming available for 6 weeks through 5th Grade.

How do I get Connected?

There is no better place to start than our Next Step Lunch

The Next Step Lunch is designed to help you learn more about our LifePoint, connect with others, and provide an opportunity to have all your questions answered.

You will learn the mission and vision of LifePoint Church, get information about church ministries, and hear a little about where we've been and where we're going.  It’s casual, fun, and interactive, so go ahead and register!

Lunch is provided for the whole family, and childcare is available for kids from 6wks-5th grade.

Upcoming Lunches:
February 9th & June 1st
The Next Step Lunch begins immediately after the 11:30am gathering and ends by 2pm.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.